04 February 2009

Response to "State of the Live Web" 2007

Recently I was asked to read an article called "State of the Live Web," and I have to say, I was quite surprised to see just how fast the blogosphere is actually growing. The use of Technorati as a gauge for the statistics is also quick to catch the eye.

Blogging is a great way to put your ideas out there for the whole world to see. I think this is amazing! As a society, we've come into this ago of instant communication so fast, and it's gone from days of newspapers to telephones to internet in such a short amount of time. Did you know there are about 120,000 new blogs created each day? That's incredible to think about! That number is higher than the population of the whole county I'm from in Kentucky!

No longer do we have to simply rely on mail to communicate with our neighbors on the other side of the globe! And it's not just the English-speaking community that is represented in this blog fever! Japanese is actually the number one language that is represented in posted blogs, coming in at 37% of all blogs. English only comes in second place, followed by Chinese, Italian, and Farsi. This really goes to show that we are all members of the world community and makes it seem just a little bit smaller!

Another surprising thing I learned from the article was the way in which certain blogs become more popular than others. Apparently, tags and hyperlinks that appear on websites will draw in enormous amounts of readers. The tags or categories are marked as descriptors so that other people who search for the same category will stumble across your blog and read it. It really is an ingenious idea when you think about it. It is shameless self-promotion simply by giving your blog entry or entire blog a category. I don't think there's any shame in that. =) So blogging is the future, and I'm now on board for the ride.


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